NURS 4020 Assessment 1: Enhancing Quality and Safety
For this assessment, build on the work done in your first three assessments and create an online tool kit or resource repository that will help the audience of your in-service understand the research behind your safety improvement plan pertaining to a specific patient safety issue and put the plan into action. NURS 4020 Assessment 1: Enhancing Quality and Safety.
Google Sites is recommended for this assessment; the tools are free to use and should offer you a blend of flexibility and simplicity as you create your online tool kit. Please note that this requires a Google account; use your Gmail or GoogleDocs login, or create an account following the directions under the “Create Account” menu.
Refer to the resources on the following list to help you get started with Google Sites:
- Assessment 4: Google Sites reading list.
Using Google Sites, assemble an online resource tool kit containing at least 12 annotated resources that you consider critical to the success of your safety improvement initiative. These resources should enable nurses and others to implement and maintain the safety improvement you have developed.
It is recommended that you focus on the 3 or 4 most critical categories or themes with respect to your safety improvement initiative. For example, for an initiative that concerns improving workplace safety for practitioners, you might choose broad themes such as general organizational safety and quality best practices; environmental safety and quality risks; individual strategies to improve personal and team safety; and process best practices for reporting and improving environmental safety issues.
Following the recommended scheme, you would collect 3 resources on average for each of the 4 categories focusing on a specific patient safety issue. Each resource listing should include the following:
- An APA-formatted citation of the resource with a working link.
- A description of the information, skills, or tools provided by the resource.
- A brief explanation of how the resource can help nurses better understand or implement the safety improvement initiative pertaining to a specific patient safety issue.
- A description of how nurses can use this resource and when its use may be appropriate.
Remember that you must make your site “public” so that your faculty can access it. Check out the Google Sites resources for more information.
Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.
- Identify necessary resources to support the implementation and continued sustainability of a safety improvement initiative pertaining to a specific patient safety issue.
- Analyze the usefulness of resources to the role group responsible for implementing quality and safety improvements focusing on a specific patient safety issue.
- Analyze the value of resources to reduce patient safety risk related to a specific patient safety issue.
- Present reasons and relevant situations for use of resource tool kit by its target audience.
- Communicate in a clear, logically structured, and professional manner that applies current APA style and formatting.
Solution: NURS 4020 Assessment 1: Enhancing Quality and Safety
I have the following paper. I need you to help me do the following 1. use transition words where there is none, 2. remove any passive voice, because i want to make it SEO compliant (Introduction
Healthcare providers are supposed to help patients regardless of their status in the community. However, some individuals may not be able to come in contact with the healthcare providers including the homeless individuals. The homeless are faced with challenges such as lack of access or limited access to care. The cases of poor financial capacity to pay for their healthcare services. This paper aims to examine the various research articles that focus on the issue of homelessness.
Annotated Bibliography
Allen, J., & Vottero, B. (2020). Experiences of homeless women in accessing health care in community-based settings: a qualitative systematic review. JBI evidence synthesis, 18(9), 1970-2010.
Allen and Vottero (2020) is a systematic review that explores the experiences of homeless women in accessing health care within community-based settings. The study highlights key challenges that include stigma, lack of transportation, inadequate mental health services. The complex bureaucratic requirements these that affect their ability to access necessary care. Homeless women often feel marginalized, experience discrimination, and face barriers to both physical and mental healthcare. The review identifies a gap in trust between homeless women and healthcare providers. This include the aspects resulting in the reluctance of the women to seek care and inconsistent follow-ups. This as well has increased the risks of non-adherence to the use of medication by women.
The resource can help nurses understand the socio-economic and psychological factors affecting homeless women and the necessary interventions for building trust. Nurses can use this resource to set up care plans that are based on the needs of homeless women. It as well allow for the consideration of empathy, trauma-informed approaches, and accessible services. The lessons from this article are also valuable when planning community outreach programs or enhancing care for underserved populations)…. (click here to get full solution for only $10)
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